Why HeadOn
Many people remember Steve Thompson MBE as the successful Rugby World Cup Winner from 2003. But what they don’t know is how rugby changed his life; the repeated blows to his head causing early onset dementia and probable chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), something which can only be diagnosed formally post-mortem. The brain damage Steve has is so severe that he struggles day-to-day. In fact, he shouldn’t even be alive at all.
But Steve has always been a fighter, so he’s now working with others to raise awareness - and much needed funds – for those living with (and the people caring for them) these often-invisible brain injuries. With HeadOn, Steve wants to create memories with his family, and help anyone feel like they are not alone.

“It’s scary to think how many people are left in the lurch after a brain injury, wrongly diagnosed, or left to deal with it themselves. Not to mention those people around them, not understanding why their behaviour has changed, or what is wrong. Because it is brain injury, it can’t be seen. You can be passed from pillar to post without any form of diagnosis or help.”
Steve Thompson MBE